Do you ever have moments where it seems like a thousands thoughts flood your mind at once? Okay so it may be symptoms of A.D.D., but it sure seems like I feel like that lately. Life can bring us happiness so often along with fears of the unknown or unpredictable. I think a lot about what life will be like for me in the months and years ahead. We can hope, dream and plan for what we want our lives to be like, but inevitably we must accept what we are given. I find I doubt myself frequently. I doubt my ability to accomplish my dreams and yet I cannot allow myself to give up on me. If I don't believe in ME. . . then who will?
Do you ever wonder if you are reaching the full potential of what your life here on earth could be? I think,. . . 'Am I doing the most with what I am given?' . . . 'Am I where I need to be in life to do God's work that I promised I would do?' . . . . 'Am I a good person?' Although I have no doubt that I have done some good thing in my lifetime, I need to improve in sooooo many ways. What is TRULY important in life? I think I know. . . .but I don't think I live it as often as I should.
When life gets tough, I wish I could say I handle it well, but in reality, I have Bryan to thank. He keeps me grounded, motivated, encouraged and confident. Without having him as my reason for life, I would not have had the strength to do many things I have done. He is willing to listen to my rambling thoughts as they spew from my mouth for hours on end. He understands me and what I need. He believes I'm worth 'all the work'. So often I feel like a burden on him and on my family. But I know that isn't true; it's hard to need so much love and compassion and feel like I don't give enough back in return. I guess I just feel like I need to be something great to payback so many that sacrificed for my life like my family, Bryan's family, Bryan, and my Donor and her family. . .
Okay so it's jumbled ramblings of a glimpse into the 'MIND OF ME' I have MANY other thoughts, tons of stuff on lighter subjects, but this is an example of just some.
Save a life..."Be Someone's Hero"....Be an Organ Donor
Alex Award
5 years ago
It sounds like Bryan is exactly who you need and who was created for you. Just remember that one reason that Bryan is head over heels for you is because you also complete something in him that was incomplete until he met you. You're obviously a fighter and I would bet that is one thing he absolutely loves about you! So keep up the good fight and start accomplishing those dreams one by one!
It's much better to try and fail, then to never try at all!
Most people would have already given up and you have not. You rock and I love you! I really think you should read the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It is somewhat about the post you posted today. It is a short book and a very easy read.
Thanks for posting your thoughts and insights. It really helps/inspires those of us who are walking a similar path.
Have I ever told you about the blog She is a post-tranpslant blogger and she has great insights, too. Check it out! I think you will like it.
Take care!
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