Today I completed a big GOAL of mine! I printed my Book Manuscript, put it in a big manila envelope addressed it to Deseret Publishing and mailed it at the post office! It's a done deal now. No more procrastination, excuses, or just laziness. Now it's just a waiting a game. I pray they will see the potential and decide to move forward. However if they are not, then there are several other publishing companies I will submit to. Deseret would be my first choice, so I started there.
Save a life..."Be Someone's Hero"....Be an Organ Donor
I will be one of the first to buy your book. Thanks for your comments on Cammi's blog. It is because of you and Nancy that we can keep going and know that this too shall pass. You are truly an inspiration to us. Thank you!
OH WOW!!! So amazing I bet you feel a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. I can't wait to read it
AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Very cool!!!! I can't wait to read it!!! I'll be praying a publishing company takes it on!!!!
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