I was talking to a friend of mine and it got me thinking about what life was like pre-transplant. . or I guess life with CF. I so easily forget how I felt just 2 years ago. It's crazy~ and fabulous at the same time. I NEVER look back with regretful feelings. I treasure the experience and strength I gained in just the few months before my transplant. I was driven to know my Savior and prepared to be with him again. I found myself seeking out answers through scriptures along with books, talks, and a lot of prayer. I asked for and received MANY, MANY priesthood blessings which also gave me promises and hope. It was a very special and treasured time in my life when I feel I was the most spiritual I have ever been before and since. I surrounded myself with good and uplifting things everyday and I can testify that it is a transformation that can only be achieved through dedicating your time and thoughts to it. So easily we become consumed by the daily tasks of our mortal life, but I grew much closer to my Heavenly Father and Savior when I quit caring about my mortal tasks. . . not my mortal life, but trivial tasks that are easy to focus on and worry about. Money, Success, Credit Score, What others thought, and What others said to name a few examples. I found that spending time with my family, laughing, studying the scriptures, keeping an accurate daily journal to leave memories behind with loved ones was more important. Listening to uplifting music can heal a lot of pain and sooth a lot of fear. Laughing when you don't have much to laugh about,(even if I peed my pants when I did it), made me feel better.

Life is better now, I am in less pain, not pain free. . . but I feel so good, I can't imagine how I lived with CF. I have always treasured the poem 'Footprints in the Sand' I know I only saw one pair of footprints most of my life. . . . and if angels made footprints, there would have been thousands.
Save a life..."Be Someone's Hero"....Be an Organ Donor
Hi! I've been reading your blog for awhile and have a question! Do you not have CF anymore since the transplant? I always thought CF was a condition that affects more than the lungs. Just curious! Congratulations on your wonderful progress.
I do and I don't. . I DON'T have CF in my lungs anymore. It won't come back either. But I DO still have CF in my digestive/pancreas, sinuses, reproductive and pretty much everywhere else CF affects. I now have to manage the side affects of a transplanted organ however. So I have less breathing treatments, but I have to monitor things closely, still do PFT's and a lot of bloodwork to watch for rejection. That will last my whole life.
Love the questions! You're welcome to ask me as many as you want! I am pretty open about all of it.
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