Okay~ So I have been feeling lately that I don't do enough physical exercise and realized it's because I have no goals. . . nothing to work towards. I know 2 things that I like to do for exercise; one is swimming(love it) and the other is running. A triathlon combines that along with bike riding. I think I need a goal to run a sprint triathlon or 1/2 ironman. No....I know it would take doing that. I REALLY want to participate AND WIN in the Transplant Olympics in 2012 (I think that's the next one) If I really want to win, then I need to start training now. Plus training would be sooooo good for my new lungs. I have a friend who was one of my nurses in Pocatello and I would love to be ready to run the triathlon with her in Poky next Aug. So here it is. . . I am going to run a triathlon or 1/2 ironman within the next year. Time to dig out my running shoes. . . I am soooo out of shape it's not funny~ but not for long!
Save a life..."Be Someone's Hero"....Be an Organ Donor
Go Jamie!!!
Dude, that will be SOOOOOO awesome!!!! I'll be cheering for you...keep us updated with how your training goes and if there's anything I can do to help!
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